王  科 教授、研究员
  • kewangfs@szu.edu.cn



王科,男,必赢76net线路特聘教授,博导,中国光学学会第三届生物医学光子学专业委员会常委,中国光学学会生物医学光子学专业委员会青年工作组副组长(2015-2020),广东省特支计划“百千万工程青年拔尖人才”,深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”B类人才。2009年直博毕业于复旦大学光科学与工程系,获博士学位,导师钱列加教授。2009年8月至2012年10月在美国康奈尔大学应用与工程物理学院Chris Xu教授研究小组从事博士后研究工作,2012年10月升为research associate。2013年7月起聘为教授在深圳大学工作,2015年10月转为特聘教授。主要研究方向为超快光纤激光、非线性光学成像。已发表学术论文80余篇,包括Nature Photonics、Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Nano、 Biomaterials、Nano Letters、ACS Photonics、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics邀请论文、OSA新闻月刊OPN邀请论文、SPIE Photonics West国际会议邀请论文等,单篇最高引用次数超1100次。多项工作被美国光学学会(OSA)、Laser Focus World、SPIE Neswroom等报道,多项美国/中国专利获授权。一篇SPIE Photonics West国际会议论文获得Best Poster Award。发表论文分别入选Optics Letters Editors pick,Applied Physics Letters Editors pick, Journal of Biophotonics Editors pick。两篇发表于Biomedical Optics Express的论文入选该期刊十年引用次数最高的百篇论文。两篇发表于Applied Physics Letters的论文入选Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science。入选斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家的“2019年度科学影响力排行榜”。应邀撰写拉曼散射成像Book chapter。担任Optica、ACS Nano、Optics Letters等国际期刊审稿人,国家自然科学基金项目评议人,瑞士国家科学基金会项目评议人。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目三项, 863 项目子课题一项等,并曾经作为主要成员参加了美国National Institute of Health (NIH)、National Cancer Institute (NCI)等基金资助项目。 获评深圳大学首批交叉学科博导、首批新锐研究生导师、优秀硕士生导师称号。培养多名研究生获得国家奖学金、腾讯奖学金及深圳大学优秀毕业生称号。


常年招收对本课题组研究方向感兴趣的硕士、博士研究生、博士后、专职研究人员,也欢迎对科研感兴趣的本科生加入课题组。请直接邮件kewangfs@szu.edu.cn与我联系。近期一作或通信作者论文: [1] Xiangquan Deng, Zhourui Xu, Zhijun Zhang, Wanjian Zhang, Jiangao Li, Lei Zheng, Xinlin Chen, Yi Pan, Ping Qiu, Dong Wang, Gaixia Xu, Ke Wang. In Vivo 3-Photon Fluorescence Imaging of Mouse Subcortical Vasculature Labeled by AIEgen Before and After Craniotomy. Advanced Functional Materials. 32,43 (2022). [2] Shengliang Li, Xiangquan Deng, Hui Chen, Xiaozhen Li, Yingpeng Wan, Chen Cao, Jie Yu, Ying Yuan, Ke Wang. Bright Near-Infrared p-Conjugated Oligomer Nanoparticles for Deep-Brain Three-Photon Microscopy Excited at the 1700 nm Window in Vivo. ACS Nano. 16,8 (2022). [3] Zhourui Xu, Zhijun Zhang, Xiangquan Deng, Jiangao Li, Wing-Cheung Law, Chengbin Yang, Wanjian Zhang, Xiaolin Chen, Ke Wang, Dong Wang, Gaixia Xu. Deep-Brain Three-Photon Imaging Enabled by Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens with Near-Infrared-III Excitation. ACS Nano. 16,4 (2022). [4] Jiangao Li, Zhijun Zhang, Xiangquan Deng, Zhourui Xu, Lei Wang, Gaixia Xu, Ke Wang, Dong Wang, Ben Zhong Tang. A potent luminogen with NIR-IIb excitable AIE features for ultradeep brain vascular and hemodynamic three-photon imaging. Biomaterials. 287,121612 (2022) [5] Ke Wang, Yi Pan, Shen Tong, Huiping Liang, and Ping Qiu,Deep-skin multiphoton microscopy of lymphatic vessels excited at the 1700-nm window in vivo, Biomedical Optics Express 12,6474 (2021). [6] Ke Wang, Yi Pan, Shen Tong, Xinlin Chen, Yuan Lu, and Ping Qiu,Deep-skin multiphoton microscopy in vivo excited at 1600 nm: A comparative investigation with silicone oil and deuterium dioxide immersion, Journal of Biophotonics 14 (2021). [7] Shen Tong, Xinlin Chen, Jia Li, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Elliptically-polarized soliton self-frequency shift in isotropic optical fiber, Journal of Lightwave Technology 39,1334 (2021). [8] Xinlin Chen, Shen Tong, Wanjian Zhang, Xiangquan Deng, Hui Cheng, Yi Pan, Weixin Xie, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,In vivo three-photon microscopy of mouse brain excited at the 2200 nm window, ACS Photonics 8,2898 (2021). [9] Xinlin Chen, Hui Cheng, Xiangquan Deng, Shen Tong, Jia Li, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Self-phase-modulated femtosecond laser source at 1603 nm and its application to deep-brain 3-photon microscopy in vivo, Journal of Biophotonics 14 (2021). [10] S. Tong, M. Gan, Z. Zhuang, H. Liu, H. Cheng, J. Li, P. Qiu, and K. Wang,Manipulating soliton polarization in soliton self-frequency shift and its application to 3-photon microscopy in vivo, Journal of Lightwave Technology 38,2450 (2020). [11] Maixian Liu, Bobo Gu, Wenbo Wu, Yukun Duan, Hongji Liu, Xiangquan Deng, Miaozhuang Fan, Xiaomei Wang, Xunbin Wei, Ken-Tye Yong, Ke Wang, Gaixia Xu, and Bin Liu,Binary organic nanoparticles with bright aggregation-induced emission for three-photon brain vascular imaging, Chemistry of Materials 32,6437 (2020). [12] Hongji Liu, Xinlin Chen, Xiangquan Deng, Ziwei Zhuang, Shen Tong, Weixin Xie, Jia Li, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,In vivo deep-brain blood flow speed measurement through third-harmonic generation imaging excited at the 1700-nm window, Biomedical Optics Express 11,2738 (2020). [13] Chen He, Xiangquan Deng, Yi Pan, Shen Tong, Jiayu Kang, Jia Li, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,3-photon microscopy of myelin in mouse digital skin excited at the 1700-nm window, Journal of Biophotonics 12,e202000321 (2020). [14] Yang Gao, Huan Liu, Junzi Li, Xiangquan Deng, Wenbo Hu, Shuyu Xiao, Xin Qiu, Xiaodong Lin, Ke Wang, and Tingchao He,Photophysical properties of water-soluble cdte/cdse/zns core/shell/shell nanocrystals emitting at 820 nm, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124,7994 (2020). [15] Xiangquan Deng, Chen He, Hui Cheng, Jia Li, Yuan Lu, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Measurement of two-photon properties of indocyanine green in water and human plasma excited at the 1700-nm window, Journal of Biophotonics 12,e202000299 (2020). [16] Hui Cheng, Shen Tong, Xiangquan Deng, Jia Li, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,In vivo deep-brain imaging of microglia enabled by three-photon fluorescence microscopy, Optics Letters 45,5271 (2020). [17] Ke Wang, Ziwei Zhuang, Hongji Liu, and Ping Qiu,Clean optical solitons generation at the 1700 nm window in a short photonic-crystal rod, Journal of Optics 21,035502 (2019). [18] Ke. Wang, Yu. Du, Hongji. Liu, Mengyao. Gan, Shen. Tong, Wenhui. Wen, Ziwei. Zhuang, and Ping. Qiu,Visualizing the "sandwich" structure of osteocytes in their native environment deep in bone in vivo, J Biophotonics 12,e201800360 (2019). [19] Shen Tong, Hongji Liu, Hui Cheng, Chen He, Yu Du, Ziwei Zhuang, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Deep-brain three-photon microscopy excited at 1600 nm with silicone oil immersion, Journal of Biophotonics 12,e201800423 (2019). [20] Can. Ren, Xiangquan. Deng, Wenbo. Hu, Junzi. Li, Xiaofei. Miao, Shuyu. Xiao, Hongji. Liu, Quli. Fan, Ke. Wang, and Tingchao. He,A near-infrared i emissive dye: Toward the application of saturable absorber and multiphoton fluorescence microscopy in the deep-tissue imaging window, Chemistry Communications 55,5111 (2019). [21] Hongji Liu, Ziwei Zhuang, Jiexing He, Shen Tong, Chen He, Xiangquan Deng, Guoli Song, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,High-energy polarized soliton synthesis and its application to deep-brain 3-photon microscopy in vivo, Optics Express 27,15309 (2019). [22] Hongji Liu, Jiaqi Wang, Ziwei Zhuang, Jiexing He, Wenhui Wen, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Visualizing astrocytes in the deep mouse brain in vivo, Journal of Biophotonics,e201800420 (2019). [23] Hongji Liu, Xiangquan Deng, Shen Tong, Chen He, Hui Cheng, Ziwei Zhuang, Mengyao Gan, Jia Li, Weixin Xie, and Ping Qiu,In vivo deep-brain structural and hemodynamic multiphoton microscopy enabled by quantum dots, Nano Letters,5260 (2019). [24] Chen He, Mengyao Gan, Xiangquan Deng, Hongji Liu, and Ke Wang,3-photon fluorescence imaging of sulforhodamine b-labeledelastic fibers in the mouse skin in vivo, Journal of Biophotonics,e201900185 (2019). [25] Mengyao. Gan, Chen. He, Hongji. Liu, Ziwei. Zhuang, Ping. Qiu, and Ke. Wang,Air-core fiber or photonic-crystal rod, which is more suitable for energetic femtosecond pulse generation and three-photon microscopy at the 1700-nm window?, Journal of Biophotonics 12,8 (2019). [26] Xiangquan Deng, Ziwei Zhuang, Hongji Liu, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Measurement of 3-photon excitation and emission spectra and verification of kasha’s rule for selected fluorescent proteins excited at the 1700-nm window, Optics Express 27,12723 (2019). [27] Hui Cheng, Shen Tong, Xiangquan Deng, Hongji Liu, Yu Du, Chen He, Ping Qiu, and Ke Wang,Deep-brain 2-photon fluorescence microscopy in vivo excited at the 1700 nm window, Optics Letters 44,4432 (2019). [28] Yage Chen, Shaojun Liu, Hongji Liu, Shen Tong, Huajun Tang, Chao Zhang, Shuai Yan, Haozheng Li, Guang Yang, Dan Zhu, Ke Wang, and Ping Wang,Coherent raman scattering unravelling mechanisms underlying skull optical clearing for through-skull brain imaging, Analytical Chemistry 91,9371 (2019).

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