屈军乐 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者
  • jlqu@szu.edu.cn



屈军乐,深圳大学特聘教授,博士生导师。国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者,SPIE Fellow(国际光学工程学会会士)。1992年本科毕业于西安交通大学电子工程系电子、离子与真空物理专业,获工学学士学位;1995年和1998年在中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所分别获物理电子学硕士和博士学位,2001-2003年在美国印第安纳大学从事博士后研究,2003年7月回国至今在必赢76net线路工作。从事多模态非线性光学成像、超分辨成像、纳米生物光子技术和光治疗等研究。主持国家重点研发计划,973计划课题,国家自然科学基金重大仪器、重点、重点国际合作、杰出青年基金、仪器专项,广东省自然科学基金团队项目等。在包括Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, PNAS, PRL, Chem, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Nano Letters,Laser & Photonics Reviews, Optics Letters, Optics Express等期刊上发表SCI论文500余篇;获授权发明专利40余项,实现转让8项;获2014中国光学重要成果奖、中国光学学会光学科技奖基础研究类二等奖(2020)、广东省科学技术奖自然科学奖三等奖(2017)和深圳市科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖(2021,2014)等。入选广东省“特支计划”杰出人才(南粤百杰)和百千万工程领军人才。现任深圳大学生物医学光子学研究中心主任,深圳市光子学与生物光子学重点实验室主任,中国光学学会理事,中国光学学会生物医学光子学专委会主任委员,中国生物医学工程学会生物医学光子学分会常委,广东省生物物理学会荣誉理事长,广东省生物医学工程学会副理事长,Biomedical Optics Express和Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences(JIOHS)副主编,激光生物学报、光学学报、中国激光、Frontiers of Optoelectronics和Biosensors等期刊编委。欢迎对生物医学光子学研究方向感兴趣的教师、博士后和研究生加盟!研究中心网址:http://bpg.szu.edu.cn,邮箱:jlqu@szu.edu.cn。


1. 主持的科研项目 (1) 国家重点研发计划,实时原位超分辨光学成像关键问题研究 (2) 国家自然科学基金重大仪器,多模态活体脑成像显微镜研制 (3) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于非线性光学成像的神经元和胶质细胞光生物调节机制研究 (4) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)重点合作与交流项目,生物医学光学多维表征方法研究 (5) 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金,生物医学光学成像 (6) 科技部973计划课题,纳米分辨荧光寿命信息获取 (7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,用于在分子水平监测癌细胞和药物-细胞相互作用的多模态光学方法研究 (8) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,单细胞纳米分辨光学成像方法研究 (9) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于单分子定位的超分辨荧光寿命成像研究 (10) 国家自然科学基金科学仪器基础专项,同时时间和光谱分辨的多焦点多光子显微成像系统研究 2. 代表性论文列表 (1) Chen Yu, Yu Zhongzheng, Zheng Kai, Ren Yaguang, Wang Meng, Wu Qiang, Zhou Feifan, Liu Chengbo, Liu Liwei, Song Jun*, and Qu Junle*. (2022). Degradable mesoporous semimetal antimony nanospheres for near-infrared II multimodal theranostics. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 13 (1).539. (2) Golovynska Iuliia, Golovynskyi Sergii, and Qu Junle*. (2022). Comparing the Impact of NIR, Visible and UV Light on ROS Upregulation via Photoacceptors of Mitochondrial Complexes in Normal, Immune and Cancer Cells. PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY. (3) Golovynska Iuliia, Stepanov Yurii V., Golovynskyi Sergii, Zhou Ting, Stepanova Liudmyla I., Garmanchuk Liudmyla V., Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y., and Qu Junle. (2022). Macrophages Modulated by Red/NIR Light: Phagocytosis, Cytokines, Mitochondrial Activity, Ca2+ Influx, Membrane Depolarization and Viability. PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY. 98 (2), 484-497. (4) Lin Fangrui#, Zhang Chenshuang#, Zhao Yihua, Shen Binglin, Hu Rui, Liu Liwei*, and Qu Junle*. (2022). In vivo two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microendoscopy based on fiber-bundle. OPTICS LETTERS. 47 (9), 2137-2140.IF=3.56, 被引频次=0 (5) Liu Yanfeng, Al-salihi Mahmoud, Guo Yong, Ziniuk Roman, Cai Songtao, Wang Luwei, Li Yuan, Yang Zhigang, Peng Dengfeng, Xi Kai, An Zhongfu, Jia Xudong, Liu Liwei, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2022). Halogen-doped phosphorescent carbon dots for grayscale patterning. LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS. 11 (1).IF=20.257, 被引频次=0 (6) Li Yanping, Shen Binglin, Zou Gengjin, Hu Rui, Pan Ying, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2022). Super-Multiplex Nonlinear Optical Imaging Unscrambles the Statistical Complexity of Cancer Subtypes and Tumor Microenvironment. ADVANCED SCIENCE. 9 (5). (7) Ren Sheng, Zhao Yihua, Wang Shiqi, Chen Zhenjiang, Xu Yunjian, Mo Zhenhao, Wang Xiaobin, Shen Binglin, Qu Junle, Hu Rui, and Liu Liwei. (2022). Surface-enhanced Raman scattering from an electromagnetic induced transparency substrate for the determination of hepatocellular carcinoma. OPTICS EXPRESS. 30 (8), 12387-12396. (8) Romaniuk Yurii A., Golovynskyi Sergii, Litvinchuk Alexander P., Dong Dan, Lin Yan, Datsenko Oleksandr I., Bosi Matteo, Seravalli Luca, Babichuk Ivan S., Yukhymchuk Volodymyr O., Li Baikui, and Qu Junle. (2022). Influence of anharmonicity and interlayer interaction on Raman spectra in mono- and few-layer MoS2: A computational study. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES. 136. (9) Shen Binglin, Liu Shaowen, Li Yanping, Pan Ying, Lu Yuan, Hu Rui, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2022). Deep learning autofluorescence-harmonic microscopy. LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS. 11 (1). (10) Shen Suling, Liu Xudong, Shen Yaochun, Qu Junle, Pickwell-MacPherson Emma, Wei Xunbin, and Sun Yiwen. (2022). Recent Advances in the Development of Materials for Terahertz Metamaterial Sensing. ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS. 10 (1).IF=10.05, 被引频次=5 (11) Song Yiwan, Yuan Yufeng, Peng Xiao, Peng Zheng, Liu Hao, Zhou Yingxin, Zhang Xiaoying, Zhou Feifan, Song Jun, and Qu Junle. (2022). Promising Colloidal Rhenium Disulfide Nanosheets: Preparation and Applications for In Vivo Breast Cancer Therapy. NANOMATERIALS. 12 (11). (12) Stepanov Yurii V., Golovynska Iuliia, Dziubenko Nataliia V., Kuznietsova Halyna M., Petriv Nataliia, Skrypkina Inessa, Golovynskyi Sergii, Stepanova Liudmyla I., Stohnii Yevhenii, Garmanchuk Liudmyla V., Ostapchenko Liudmyla I., Yevsa Tetyana, Qu Junle, and Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y. (2022). NMDA receptor expression during cell transformation process at early stages of liver cancer in rodent models. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER PHYSIOLOGY. 322 (1), G142-G153. (13) Stepanov Yurii V., Golovynska Iuliia, Golovynskyi Sergii, Garmanchuk Liudmyla V., Gorbach Oleksandr, Stepanova Liudmyla I., Khranovska Natalia, Ostapchenko Liudmyla I., Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y., and Qu Junle. (2022). Red and near infrared light-stimulated angiogenesis mediated via Ca2+ influx, VEGF production and NO synthesis in endothelial cells in macrophage or malignant environments. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY. 227. (14) Stepanov Yurii V., Golovynska Iuliia, Zhang Renlong, Golovynskyi Sergii, Stepanova Liudmyla I., Gorbach Oleksandr, Dovbynchuk Taisa, Garmanchuk Liudmyla V., Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y., and Qu Junle. (2022). Near-infrared light reduces beta-amyloid-stimulated microglial toxicity and enhances survival of neurons: mechanisms of light therapy for Alzheimer''s disease. ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY. 14 (1). (15) Wang Gao, Phan Trung V., Li Shengkai, Wang Jing, Peng Yan, Chen Guo, Qu Junle, Goldman Daniel I., Levin Simon A., Pienta Kenneth, Amend Sarah, Austin Robert H., and Liu Liyu. (2022). Robots as models of evolving systems. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 119 (12). (16) Wang Kexin, Tang Shiyao, Wang Shiqi, Lin Fangrui, Zou Gengjin, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2022). Monitoring microenvironment of Hep G2 cell apoptosis using two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE OPTICAL HEALTH SCIENCES. 15 (03). (17) Wang Luwei, Chen Yue, Guo Yong, Xie Weixin, Yang Zhigang, Weng Xiaoyu, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2022). Low-power STED nanoscopy based on temporal and spatial modulation. NANO RESEARCH. 15 (4), 3479-3486. (18) Wang Luwei, Li Jin, Chen Yue, Guo Yong, Yang Zhigang, Weng Xiaoyu, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2022). Implementation of a fluorescence spatiotemporal modulation super-resolution microscope. OPTICS LETTERS. 47 (3), 581-584. (19) Wang Meng, Li Yong, Wang Miao, Liu Kaili, Hoover Ashley R., Li Min, Towner Rheal A., Mukherjee Priyabrata, Zhou Feifan, Qu Junle, and Chen Wei R. (2022). Synergistic interventional photothermal therapy and immunotherapy using an iron oxide nanoplatform for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. ACTA BIOMATERIALIA. 138 453-462. (20) Wang Shiqi, Zhao Zewei, Xie Jiajun, Ren Sheng, Tang Shiyao, Lin Fangrui, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2022). Accurate evaluation of the treatment effects of immunotherapy on subcutaneous ovarian cancer in mice with nonlinear optical imaging and algorithmic analysis. BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS. 13 (4), 2266-2277. (21) Wang Xiaomin, Shi Xiaoqiang, Zhang Fan, Zhou Feifan, Zeng Pengju, Song Jun, and Qu Junle. (2022). Chemical etching induced surface modification and gentle gradient bandgap for highly efficient Sb-2(S,Se)(3) solar cell. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 579. (22) Yan Wei, Huang Yangrui, Wang Luwei, Guo Yong, Li Jin, Zhu Yinru, Yang Zhigang, and Qu Junle. (2022). Aberration Correction to Optimize the Performance of Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy Using the Genetic Algorithm. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS. 28 (2), 383-389. (23) Yan Wei, Huang Yangrui, Wang Luwei, Li Jin, Guo Yong, Yang Zhigang, and Qu Junle. (2022). Multi-Color Two-Photon Microscopic Imaging Based on a Single-Wavelength Excitation. BIOSENSORS-BASEL. 12 (5). (24) Yang Zhigang, Gu Zhenyu, Liu Bing, Zhang Dan, Wu Liuying, Wang Jinying, Li Jia, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2022). Nondestructive in situ detection of microbubble defects in the screen by optical coherence tomography. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS. 231 (4), 613-620. (25) Yao Bowen, Huang Boyi, Li Xiang, Qi Jinpeng, Li Yuan, Shao Yonghong, Qu Junle, Gu YueQing, and Li Jia. (2022). Depixelation and image restoration with meta-learning in fiber-bundle-based endomicroscopy. OPTICS EXPRESS. 30 (4), 5038-5050. (26) Ye Shuai, Zhang Mingming, Guo Jiaqing, Song Jun, Zeng Pengju, Qu Junle, Chen Yue, and Li Hao. (2022). Facile Synthesis of Green Fluorescent Carbon Dots and Their Application to Fe3+ Detection in Aqueous Solutions. NANOMATERIALS. 12 (9). (27) Zeng Yutian, Xu Zhibin, Liu Aikun, Cai Haojie, Zhang Mingming, Song Jun, Zeng Pengju, Qu Junle, Guo Jiaqing, and Li Hao. (2022). Novel N, F co-doped carbon dots to detect sulfide and cadmium ions with high selectivity and sensitivity based on a "turn-off-on" mechanism. DYES AND PIGMENTS. 203. (28) Zhang Dan, He Ying, Wang Jinying, Wu Liuying, Liu Bing, Cai Songtao, Li Yuan, Yan Wei, Yang Zhigang, and Qu Junle. (2022). Mitochondrial structural variations in the process of mitophagy. JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS. 15 (5). (29) Zhou Renbin, Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y., Xu Yunjian, Ziniuk Roman, Xu Hao, Liu Liwei, and Qu Junle. (2022). Tumor-Microenvironment-Activated NIR-II Nanotheranostic Platform for Precise Diagnosis and Treatment of Colon Cancer. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 10.1021/acsami.2c04242. (30) Al-Salihi Mahmoud, Yi Rongxing, Wang Shiqi, Wu Qiang, Lin Fangrui, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2021). Quantitative laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for discriminating neoplastic tissues from non-neoplastic ones. OPTICS EXPRESS. 29 (3), 4159-4173. (31) Bharathi Ganapathi, Lin Fangrui, Liu Liwei, Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y., Hu Rui, and Qu Junle. (2021). An all-graphene quantum dot Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) probe for ratiometric detection of HE4 ovarian cancer biomarker. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES. 198.111458. (32) Chen Yu, Wang Meng, Zheng Kai, Ren Yaguang, Xu Hao, Yu Zhongzheng, Zhou Feifan, Liu Chengbo, Qu Junle, and Song Jun. (2021). Antimony Nanopolyhedrons with Tunable Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances for Highly Effective Photoacoustic-Imaging-Guided Synergistic Photothermal/Immunotherapy. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 33 (18).2100039. (33) Freire Tiago Melo, Sant''Anna Celso, Yoshihara Natalia, Hu Rui, Qu Junle, Rebelo Alencar Luciana Magalhaes, da Silva de Barros Aline Oliveira, Helal-Neto Edward, Fernandes Laila Ribeiro, Simoes Rafael L., Barja-Fidalgo Christina, Fechine Pierre B. A., and Santos-Oliveira Ralph. (2021). Biomedical application of graphitic carbon nitrides: tissue deposition in vivo, induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell viability in tumor cells. NANOTECHNOLOGY. 32 (43).435301. (34) Gao Xinwei, Liu Yanfeng, Zhang Jia, Wang Luwei, Guo Yong, Zhu Yinru, Yang Zhigang, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Nanodrug Transmembrane Transport Research Based on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. MEMBRANES. 11 (11).891. (35) Golovynska Iuliia, Golovynskyi Sergii, Stepanov Yurii V., Stepanova Liudmyla I., Qu Junle, and Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y. (2021). Red and near-infrared light evokes Ca2+ influx, endoplasmic reticulum release and membrane depolarization in neurons and cancer cells. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY. 214.112088. (36) Golovynskyi Sergii, Datsenko Oleksandr I., Dong Dan, Lin Yan, Irfan Iqra, Li Baikui, Lin Danying, and Qu Junle. (2021). Trion Binding Energy Variation on Photoluminescence Excitation Energy and Power during Direct to Indirect Bandgap Crossover in Monolayer and Few-Layer MoS2. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 125 (32), 17806-17819. (37) Golovynskyi Sergii, Datsenko Oleksandr I., Seravalli Luca, Trevisi Giovanna, Frigeri Paola, Li Baikui, Lin Danying, and Qu Junle. (2021). InAs/InGaAs quantum dots confined by InAlAs barriers for enhanced room temperature light emission: Photoelectric properties and deep levels. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING. 238. 10.1016/j.mee.2021.111514. (38) Guo Jiaqing, Liu Aikun, Zeng Yutian, Cai Haojie, Ye Shuai, Li Hao, Yan Wei, Zhou Feifan, Song Jun, and Qu Junle. (2021). Noval Dual-Emission Fluorescence Carbon Dots as a Ratiometric Probe for Cu2+ and ClO- Detection. NANOMATERIALS. 11 (5).1232 . (39) Guo Jiaqing, Ye Shuai, Li Hao, Chen Yue, Liu Hao, Song Yiwan, Peng Xiao, Zhou Feifan, Song Jun, and Qu Junle. (2021). Novel fluorescent probes based on nitrogen-sulfur co-doped carbon dots for chromium ion detection. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 45 (10), 4828-4834. (40) Guo Yong, Huang Yangrui, Li Jin, Wang Luwei, Yang Zhigang, Liu Jinyuan, Peng Xiao, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Deep Penetration Microscopic Imaging with Non-Diffracting Airy Beams. MEMBRANES. 11 (6).391. (41) Hong Liang, Zhang Jia, Geng Junxian, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2021). Development of a hydrogen peroxide-responsive and oxygen-carrying nanoemulsion for photodynamic therapy against hypoxic tumors using phase inversion composition method. JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE OPTICAL HEALTH SCIENCES. 14 (2).2150003. (42) Huang Meina, Gu Zhenyu, Zhang Jianguo, Zhang Dan, Zhang Han, Yang Zhigang, and Qu Junle. (2021). MXene and black phosphorus based 2D nanomaterials in bioimaging and biosensing: progress and perspectives. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B. 9 (26), 5195-5220. (43) Huang Yang-Rui, Guo Yong, Yang Zhi-Gang, Yan Wei, and Qu Jun-Le. (2021). Research Progress of Light Induced Corneal Cross-linking and Its Detection Technology. PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS. 48 (3), 246-262. (44) Irfan Iqra, Golovynskyi Sergii, Bosi Matteo, Seravalli Luca, Yeshchenko Oleg A., Xue Bin, Dong Dan, Lin Yan, Qiu Ran, Li Baikui, and Qu Junle. (2021). Enhancement of Raman Scattering and Exciton/Trion Photoluminescence of Monolayer and Few-Layer MoS2 by Ag Nanoprisms and Nanoparticles: Shape and Size Effects. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 125 (7), 4119-4132. (45) Jing Yingying, Zhang Chenshuang, Yu Bin, Lin Danying, and Qu Junle. (2021). Super-Resolution Microscopy: Shedding New Light on In Vivo Imaging. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY. 9.120,103-114. (46) Kalsoom Um e, Yi Rongxing, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2021). Nonlinear Optical Properties of CdSe and CdTe Core-Shell Quantum Dots and Their Applications. FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS. 9.612070. (47) Levchenko Svitlana M., Pliss Artem, Peng Xiao, Prasad Paras N., and Qu Junle. (2021). Fluorescence lifetime imaging for studying DNA compaction and gene activities. LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS. 10 (1).224. (48) Li Jinlei, Guo Jiaqing, Li Hao, Qu Junle, and Song Jun. (2021). Simultaneous realization of persistent luminescence and CT dual-mode imaging by x-ray recharged Bi2Ga4O9:Cr nanoprobes in depth-independent tumors. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 406.126008. (49) Li Jin, Wang Luwei, Guo Yong, Huang Yangrui, Yang Zhigang, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Study on Aberration Correction of Adaptive Optics Based on Convolutional Neural Network. PHOTONICS. 8 (9).377. (50) Li Ludong, Ye Shuai, Qu Junle, Zhou Feifan, Song Jun, and Shen Guozhen. (2021). Recent Advances in Perovskite Photodetectors for Image Sensing. SMALL. 17 (18).2005606. (51) Li Shaowei, Luo Ziyi, Zhang Renlong, Xu Hao, Zhou Ting, Liu Liwei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Distinguishing Amyloid beta-Protein in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer''s Disease by Label-Free Vibrational Imaging. BIOSENSORS-BASEL. 11 (10).365. (52) Li Si-Wei, Lin Dan-Ying, Zou Xiao-Hui, Zhang Wei, Chen Dan-Ni, Yu Bin, and Qu Jun-Le. (2021). Mutifocal image scanning microscopy based on double-helix point spread function engineering. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 70 (3).038701. (53) Li Wen, Huang Meina, Li Yuan, Yang Zhigang, and Qu Junle. (2021). Novel D-pi-A-D Type aggregation induced emission luminogens based nanoparticles as efficient O-1(2) photosensitizer and bright NIR imaging agent. DYES AND PIGMENTS. 186.109041. (54) Li Wen, Pan Wenhui, Huang Meina, Yang Zhigang, He Ying, Zhang Wei, Zhang Jianguo, Gu Zhenyu, Zhang Dan, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Disulfide-Reduction-Triggered Spontaneous Photoblinking Cy5 Probe for Nanoscopic Imaging of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Live Cells. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 93 (4), 2596-2602. (55) Li Yanping, Shen Binglin, Li Shaowei, Zhao Yihua, Qu Junle, and Liu Liwei. (2021). Review of Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy Techniques and Applications in the Biosciences. ADVANCED BIOLOGY. 5 (1). 2000184. (56) Li Yanping, Shen Binglin, Zou Gengjin, Wang Shiqi, Qu Junle, Hu Rui, and Liu Liwei. (2021). Fast denoising and lossless spectrum extraction in stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS. 14 (8). e202100080. (57) Li Yongping, Yuan Yufeng, Peng Xiao, Zhou Feifan, Song Jun, and Qu Junle. (2021). Low Threshold and Long-Range Propagation Plasmonic Nanolaser Enhanced by Black Phosphorus Nanosheets. ADVANCED THEORY AND SIMULATIONS. 4 (7).e2100087. (58) Li Zhaohua, Hu Rui, Song Jun, Liu Liwei, Qu Junle, Song Weiguo, and Cao Changyan. (2021). Gas-Liquid-Solid Triphase Interfacial Chemical Reactions Associated with Gas Wettability. ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES. 8 (6). 2001636. (59) Li Zhaohua, Hu Rui, Ye Shuai, Song Jun, Liu Liwei, and Qu Junle. (2021). 2-Methylimidazole-modulated UiO-66 as an effective photocatalyst to degrade Rhodamine B under visible light. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. 56 (2), 1577-1589. (60) Li Zhaohua, Sun Yuan, Hu Rui, Ye Shuai, Song Jun, Liu Liwei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Facile one-pot solvothermal preparation of two-dimensional Ni-based metal-organic framework microsheets as a high-performance supercapacitor material. RSC ADVANCES. 11 (14), 8362-8366. (61) Lin Fangrui, Zhang Chenshuang, Li Yanping, Yan Junshuai, Xu Yunjian, Pan Ying, Hu Rui, Liu Liwei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Human serum albumin gradient in serous ovarian cancer cryosections measured by fluorescence lifetime. BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS. 12 (3), 1195-1204. (62) Liu Aikun, Xing Xiuquan, Cai Haojie, Zeng Yutian, Guo Jiaqing, Li Hao, Yan Wei, Zhou Feifan, Song Jun, and Qu Junle. (2021). Cd-free InP/ZnSeS quantum dots for ultrahigh-resolution imaging of stimulated emission depletion. JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS. 14 (12). e202100230. (63) Liu Jingjing, Qu Junle, Kirchartz Thomas, and Song Jun. (2021). Optoelectronic devices based on the integration of halide perovskites with silicon-based materials. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. 9 (37), 20919-20940. (64) Liu Lixin, Qi Meijie, Gao Peng, Xue Ping, and Qu Junle. (2021). Application of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in Cancer Diagnosis. ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA. 50 (10). 1017001. (65) Liu Lixin, Qi Meijie, Gao Peng, Xue Ping, and Qu Junle. (2021). Application of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in Cancer Diagnosis (Invited). Acta Photonica Sinica. 50 (10). 1004-4213(2021)50:102.0.TX;2-1. (66) Liu Lixin, Qi Meijie, Liu Yujie, Xue Xinzhu, Chen Danni, and Qu Junle. (2021). Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Based on Single-Molecule Localization Algorithm. PHOTONICS. 8 (7). 273 . (67) Liu Limei, Yu Zhi-Long, Qu Junle, and Huang Jiaxing. (2021). Spray-coated barrier coating on copper based on exfoliated vermiculite sheets. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS. 5 (12), 4658-4663. (68) Liu Yanfeng, Peng Zheng, Peng Xiao, Yan Wei, Yang Zhigang, and Qu Junle. (2021). Shedding New Lights Into STED Microscopy: Emerging Nanoprobes for Imaging. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY. 9. 641330 . (69) Liu Yanfeng, Song Yiwan, Zhang Jia, Yang Zhigang, Peng Xiao, Yan Wei, and Qu Junle. (2021). Responsive Carbonized Polymer Dots for Optical Super-resolution and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Nucleic Acids in Living Cells. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES. 13 (43), 50733-50743. (70) Luo Teng, Zhao Yihua, Zhou Ting, and Qu Junle. (2021). Nanosecond-order long-short fluorescence lifetime switchable encryption with enlarged coding capacity. NANOPHOTONICS. 10 (7), 1889-1899. (71) Luo Teng, Zhou Ting, and Qu Junle. (2021). Lifetime Division Multiplexing by Multilevel Encryption Algorithm. ACS NANO. 15 (4), 6257-6265. (72) Luo Ziyi, Xu Hao, Liu Liwei, Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y., and Qu Junle. (2021). Optical Imaging of Beta-Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer''s Disease. BIOSENSORS-BASEL. 11 (8). 255 . 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