邓达铭,物理学博士,必赢76net线路助理教授,日本学术振兴会(JSPS) HOPE Fellow。长期从事原子核物理相关的理论研究,主要研究课题涉及不稳定原子核的α衰变机制,中重原子核中的结团结构及α结团效应,超重核的衰变寿命及机制等。目前主持国家自然科学基金2项,深圳市自然科学基金1项,并多次担任核物理领域主流期刊Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics审稿人。欢迎各位热衷于物理基础理论研究的同学参与到课题组的项目研究中。
一、教育经历 2018.07 - 今 深圳大学,必赢76net线路,助理教授 2013.07 - 2018.06 南京大学,物理学院,物理学博士 2009.09 - 2013.06 华南师范大学,物理与电信工程学院 ,物理学学士 二、授课情况 本科:力学与热学(1),力学与热学(2) 研究生:原子核物理(2) 三、代表作 [1] Daming Deng, Zhongzhou Ren, Nan Wang, “Significant improvement of half-life calculation of α decays by considering the nuclear medium effect”, Physics Letters B, 795, 554 (2019). [2] Daming Deng and Zhongzhou Ren*, “Improved double-folding α-nucleus potential by including nuclear medium effects”, Physical Review C 96, 064306 (2017). [3] Daming Deng and Zhongzhou Ren*, “α preformation factors of medium-mass nuclei and the structural effects in the region of crossing the Z = 82 shell”, Physical Review C 93, 044326 (2016). [4] Daming Deng, Zhongzhou Ren*, Dongdong Ni and Yibin Qian, “Realistic α preformation factors of odd-A and odd-odd nuclei within the cluster-formation model”, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 42, 075106 (2015). [5] Daming Deng and Zhongzhou Ren*, “Systematics of α-preformation factors in closed-shell regions”, Nuclear Science and Techniques 27, 150 (2016).