易多,男,博士,必赢76net线路副教授。深圳市“孔雀计划”海外高层次人才,深圳市高层次人才后备级人才,南山区领航人才,国家科学基金委函评专家。博士毕业于法国贝尔福-蒙贝利亚大学(Université de Tchnologie de Belfort et Montbéliard)的LERMPS实验室,获得博士学位。后入职北京大学海洋声学与光纤传感实验室从事博士后研究工作。现就职于必赢76net线路深圳市传感器技术重点实验室。长期从事光纤传感技术及跨学科领域的研究。主持基金包括中国博士后基金,国家自然科学基金青年基金等。近年来,已经在Optics Express,Optics Letters等光学领域国际权威SCI期刊及会议上发表论文近四十篇。申请及授权发明专利十二项。附录: 近3年发表部分论文列表 [1] F. Liu, D. Yi, Y. Chen, P. Xu, M. Zhang, X. Zhu, X. He, X. Zhou, and K. Long, "Common-mode noise self-suppressed 3-component fiber optic accelerometer based on low-reflectivity Bragg gratings," Opt. Lett. 46, 1596 (2021). [2] Y. Chen, L. Fang, D. Yi, X. Li, and X. Hong, "Thermo-Optic Property Measurement Using Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Fiber Optic Sensor," IEEE Sens. J. 20, 11357–11363 (2020). [3] Y. Li, Y. Chen, D. Yi, Y. Du, W. Luo, X. Hong, X. Li, Y. Geng, and D. Luo, "A self-assembled fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on liquid crystals," J MATER CHEM C 8, 11153-11159 (2020). [4] Y. Li, L. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Yi, F. Teng, X. Hong, X. Li, Y. Geng, Y. Shi, and D. Luo, "High-performance fiber sensor via Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on immersing exposed-core microstructure fiber in oriented liquid crystals," OPT EXPRESS 28, 3576-3586 (2020). [5] D. Yi, C. Yuzhi, G. Youfu, T. Fei, L. Yong, L. Xuejin, and H. Xueming, "Low crosstalk hybrid fiber optic sensor based on surface plasmon resonance and MMI," OPT LETT 1 (2020). [6] D. Yi, Z. Huo, Y. Geng, X. Li, and X. Hong, "PDMS-coated no-core fiber interferometer with enhanced sensitivity for temperature monitoring applications," OPT FIBER TECHNOL 57 (2020). [7]F. Liu, S. Xie, M. Zhang, B. Xie, Y. Pan, X. He, D. Yi, L. Gu, Y. Yang, Z. Chen, H. Lu, and X. Zhou, "Downhole Microseismic Monitoring Using Time-Division Multiplexed Fiber-Optic Accelerometer Array," IEEE Access 8, 120104–120113 (2020). [8]F. Teng, D. Yi, X. Hong, and X. Li, "Distributed fiber optics disturbance sensor using a dual-Sagnac interferometer," OPT LETT 44, 5101-5103 (2019). [9]D. Yi, F. Liu, M. Zhang, and Q. Tao, "High-accuracy transient response fiber optic seismic accelerometer using a shock-absorbing ring as a mechanical antiresonator," OPT LETT 44, 183-186 (2019). [10]L. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. Geng, J. Wang, Y. Du, D. Yi, X. Hong, and X. Li, "High-sensitivity fiber salinity sensor based on an exposed-core microstructured fiber interferometer," J PHYS D APPL PHYS 52, 495402 (2019). [11]F. Liu, S. Xie, L. Gu, X. He, D. Yi, Z. Chen, M. Zhang, and Q. Tao, "Common-Mode Noise Suppression Technique in Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors," J. Light. Technol. 37, 5619–5627 (2019). [12]D. Yi, F. Liu, X. He, and M. Zhang, "Experimental study on transient response of the fiber optic seismic accelerometer," OPT FIBER TECHNOL 45, 58-63 (2018). [13]D. Yi, X. He, F. Liu, L. Gu, M. Zhang, X. Qiu, and H. Ye, "Self-suppression of common-mode noises of the different fiber optic interferometric accelerometers," OPT EXPRESS 26, 15384-15397 (2018). [14]F. Liu, L. Gu, S. Xie, X. He, D. Yi, M. Zhang, and Q. Tao, "Acousto-Optic Modulation Induced Noises on Heterodyne-Interrogated Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors," J. Light. Technol. 36, 3465–3471 (2018). [15]X. He, M. Zhang, S. Xie, F. Liu, L. Gu, and D. Yi, "Self-Referenced Accelerometer Array Multiplexed on a Single Fiber Using a Dual-Pulse Heterodyne Phase-Sensitive OTDR," J. Light. Technol. 36, 2973–2979 (2018). [16]X. He, Y. Pan, H. You, Z. Lu, L. Gu, F. Liu, D. Yi, and M. Zhang, "Fibre optic seismic sensor for down-well monitoring in the oil industry," Measurement 123, 145–149 (2018).