工作经历: 2018.6-至今 助理教授 深圳大学 必赢76net线路 2015.10-2018.3 博士后 南方科技大学 物理系 2014.10-2015.9 博士后 丰田工业大学 教育经历: 2011.10-2014.9 博士 广岛大学 尖端物质科学研究所 2008.9-2011.1 硕士 北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 2004.9-2008.7 本科 福州大学 材料科学与工程学院 研究兴趣: [1]多晶热电材料的电-声输运特性研究; [2]助溶剂法与布里基曼法制备单晶(笼状物;硫属化合物); [3]热电功能薄膜与器件化研究。 代表性论文: (1) Yue Xing Chen,# Zhen-Hua Ge,# Meijie Yin, Dan Feng, Xue-Qin Huang, Wenyu Zhao and Jiaqing He*,Understanding of the Extremely Low Thermal Conductivity in High Performance Polycrystalline SnSe through Potassium Doping, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26: 6936-6845. (2) Yue-Xing Chen,# Xiao-Lei Shi,# Zhuang-Hao Zheng,#* Fu Li, Wei-Di Liu, Wen-Yi Chen, Guang-Xing Liang, Jing-Ting Luo, Ping Fan,* and Zhi-Gang Chen*, Two-Dimensional WSe2/SnSe p-n Junctions Secure Ultrahigh Thermoelectric Performance in n-type Pb/I Co-doped Polycrystalline SnSe, Materials Today Physics, 2021, 16, 100306. (3) Zhuang-Hao Zheng, Jun-Yu Niu, Dong-WeiAo, Bushra Jabar, Xiao-Lei Shi, Xin-Ru Li, Fu Li, Guang-Xing Liang, Yue-Xing Chen*, Zhi-Gang Chen, Ping Fan, In-situ growth of high-performance (Ag, Sn) co-doped CoSb3 thermoelectric thin films, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 92, 178-185. (4) Fu Li, Zhuanghao Zheng,Yi Chang, Min Ruan, Zhenhua Ge, Yue-Xing Chen*, Ping Fan, Synergetic tuning of electrical and thermal transport properties via Pb, Ag dual-doping in BiCuSeO, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 49, 45737-45745 (5) Zhen-Hua Ge,# Yang Qiu,# Yue-Xing Chen #, Xiaoyu Chong,# Jing Feng, Zi-Kui Liu, and Jiaqing He*, Multi-Point Defect Synergy Realizing the Excellent Thermoelectric Performance of n-type Polycrystalline SnSe via Re Doping, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1902893 (1-7). (6) Ping Fan, Ruoyang Li, Yue-Xing Chen*, Zhuanghao Zheng, Fu Li, Guangxing Liang, Jingting Luo, High thermoelectric performance achieved in Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 films with high (00l) orientation via magnetron sputtering, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40, 4016-4021. (7) Youning Gong,# Zhitao Lin,#, Yue-Xing Chen#, Qasim Khan, Cong Wang, Bin Zhang, Guohui Nie, Ni Xie, and Delong Li* Two Dimensional Platinum Diselenide: Synthesis, Emerging applications and Future Challenges,Nano-Micro Letters, 2020, 12, 174.