彭登峰 特聘研究员
  • 0755-26901053
  • pengdengfeng@szu.edu.cn



彭登峰博士自2009年开始,先后在同济大学,九州大学,日本产业综合技术研究所,香港城市大学,浙江大学,中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所和香港理工大学从事功能光学材料和器件的学习和研究工作,包括应力发光半导体材料、稀土发光材料和“光-机-电”集成和耦合新型器件的制备、表征、机理及其在传感和能源领域的应用。彭登峰博士在“发光和应力发光功能材料”领域有10余年的学习和研究经验,2017年3月入职深圳大学后,主要聚焦“应力发光功能光学材料与器件”的研究,在应力发光材料的制备,结构优化设计,测试装置研制和应力发光材料应用等方面从事相关实验研究并提出了新的思路,在该领域(例如自恢复应力发光和半导体异质结应力发光材料及应用等方向)逐步形成一定特色,通讯作者/第一作者研究工作发表在Infomat;Advanced Materials;Science Bulletin;Advanced Functional Materials; Advanced Science;Chemistry of Materials;Nano Energy;Small;Nanoscale;Nano Research;Science China Materials;Journal of Luminescence和《发光学报》等期刊上,为Elsevier国际学术数据库撰写英文专著1章,邀请综述/展望论文5篇,邀请报告30余次,申请专利40余项,国际PCT专利2项。同时是Advanced Materials; Advanced Functional Materials; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed; ACS Nano; Nano Energy; Advanced Optical Materials; Advanced Intelligent Systems; Laser & Photonic Review; Nanoscale;Journal of Materials Chemistry C; Optics Letters;Applied Physics Letters;Journal of the American Ceramic Society;Ceramics International; Journal of Alloys and Compounds;Journal of Applied Physics;Journal of luminescence;Sensors 等期刊特邀审稿人。 彭登峰博士是广东省杰出青年基金获得者,主持国家自然科学基金3项(面上2项),广东省面上和深圳市自然科学基金项目数项,同时还获深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀B)等项目。深圳大学特聘研究员,博士研究生导师,中国稀土学会光电材料与器件专业委员会理事,《发光学报》杰出青年编委;《信息材料(英文)》(InfoMat,2022年影响因子24.789,SCI Q1)青年编委;Nano Micro Letters (2022年影响因子23.655,SCI Q1)青年编委;《稀土学报(英文)》(Journal of Rare Earth,SCI Q1)、《材料展望》Materials Future、《自然科学进展:国际材料》(Progress in Natural Science: Materials International)、《Exploration》等期刊兼任青年编委。2022年受邀国际先进材料协会会士(IAAM Fellow)。 ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9714-2317


彭登峰博士从事《半导体物理基础》、《半导体器件物理》、《大学物理实验》和《物理光学实验》等本科和研究生课程的教学工作,直接指导和培养研究生和博士后数名,同时积极努力促进深圳大学与境内外高校的学术合作与交流。近年来,彭登峰博士围绕应力发光、功能发光材料与器件物理方向,先后在国际和国内20余种知名中/英文期刊上发表研究论文100余篇。论文被Science;Nature Electronics;Advanced Materials 和 Nature Communications等期刊的正面引用。 部分研究列表: 1. 毛少辉,陈冰,郑元钿,李旭,黄泽锋,傅愉,雷耀虎,王春枫,曲思岑,彭登峰*,基于应力发光材料的肢体运动压力可视化测量,《发光学报》, 2021, 42(4), 397. 2. Dengfeng Peng, Mechanoluminescence materials for tactile Sensors, Book Functional Tactile Sensors: Materials, Devices and Integrations, Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, Elsevier Pubilisher, 2021, Chapter 6: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-820633-1.00007-3 (应力发光) 3. Chunfeng Wang, Ronghua Ma, Dengfeng Peng*, Xianhu Liu, Jing Li, Boru Jin, Aixian Shan, Yu Fu, Lin Dong, Wenchao Gao*, Zhonglin Wang*, Caofeng Pan*, Mechanoluminescent hybrids from a natural resource for energy-related applications, Infomat, 2021, DOI:10.1002/inf2.12250. (应力发光) 4. Dengfeng Peng, Xianhu Liu, Caofeng Pan*, Epitaxial lift-off for controllable single- crystalline perovskites, Science Bulletin, 2021, 66(1), 6. 5. Bing Chen, Dengfeng Peng, Ping Lu, Zhipeng Sheng, Keyu Yan,Yu Fu*, Vibration mode shape evaluation using mechanoluminescent sensor, Applied Physics Letter, 2021, DOI:10.1063/5.004528. (应力发光) 6. Ronghua Ma, Xiaoyan Wei, Chunfeng Wang, Shaohui Mao, Bing Chen, Yonghong Shao, Yu Fu, Keyu Yan, Dengfeng Peng*, Reproducible mechanical-to-optical energy conversion in Mn (II) doped sphalerite ZnS, Journal of Luminescence, 2021, 232, 117838 (应力发光) 7. Xiuxia Yang, Rong Liu, Xuhui Xu, Zhichao Liu, Mingzi Sun, Wei Yan, Dengfeng Peng, Chao-Nan Xu, Bolong Huang,* Dong Tu,* Effective repeatable mechanoluminescence in heterostructured Li1-xNaxNbO3:Pr3+, Small, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202103441.(应力发光) 8. Yingjie Zhao, Gongxun Bai*, Youqiang Huang, Yuan Liu, Dengfeng Peng*, Liang Chen, Shiqing Xu*, Stimuli Responsive Lanthanide Ions Doped Layered Piezophotonic Microcrystals for Optical Multifunctional Sensing Applications, Nano Energy, 2021, 87, 106177. (应力发光) 9. Yingjie Zhao, Dengfeng Peng, Gongxun Bai, Youqiang Huang, Shiqing Xu, Jianhua Hao, Multiresponsive Emissions in Luminescent Ions Doped Quaternary Piezophotonic Materials for Mechanical-to-Optical Energy Conversion and Sensing Applications, Advanced Functional Material, 2021, 31(22), 2010265.(应力发光) 10. Xian Chen, ZiyuLi, Tianying Sun*, Dengfeng Peng*, Feng Wang*, Continuous-wave lasing from quasi-2D perovskites, Science Bulletin, 2021, 66(6), 521. 11. Yangyang Du, Dengfeng Peng*, Xian Chen*, Clear interaction mechanism between organic dyes and inorganic lanthanide-doped nanoparticles, Science Bulletin, 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.05.021 12. Changjian Chen, Yixi Zhuang, Xinya Li, Feiyan Lin, Dengfeng Peng, Dong Tu, An Xie, Rong-Jun Xie, Achieving Remote Stress and Temperature Dual-Modal Imaging by Double-Lanthanide Activated Mechanoluminescent Materials, Advanced Functional Material, 2021, 31(25), 2101567.(应力发光) 13. Ronghua Ma, Shaohui Mao, Chunfeng Wang, Yonghong Shao, Zhihao Wang, Yu Wang, Sicen Qu, Dengfeng Peng* Luminescence in Manganese (II)-Doped SrZn2S2O Crystals From Multiple Energy Conversion, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2020, 8, 752.(应力发光) 14. Chunfeng Wang, Dengfeng Peng*, Caofeng Pan*, Mechanoluminescence materials for advanced artificial skin, Science Bulletin, 2020, 65(14), 1147(应力发光) 15. Dengfeng Peng*, Yue Jiang, Bolong Huang*, Yangyang Du, Jianxiong Zhao, Xin Zhang, Ronghua Ma, Sergii G, Bing Chen, Feng Wang*, A ZnS/CaZnOS Heterojunction for Efficient Mechanical-to-Optical Energy Conversion by Conduction Band, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1907747.(应力发光) 16. Chunfeng Wang, Lin Dong, Dengfeng Peng*, Caofeng Pan*, Tactile Sensors for Advanced Intelligent Systems, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2019, 201900090 17. Xiandi Wang#, Dengfeng Peng#, Bolong Huang, Caofeng Pan, Zhong Lin Wang, Piezophotonic effect based on mechanoluminescent materials for advanced flexible optoelectronic applications, Nano Energy, 2019, 55, 389 (应力发光) 18. Yangyang Du, Yue Jiang,Tianying Sun, Jianxiong Zhao, Bolong Huang*, Dengfeng Peng*, Feng Wang*, Mechanically Excited Multicolor Luminescence in Lanthanide Ions, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1807062 (应力发光) 19. Bolong Huang*, Mingzi Sun, Dengfeng Peng*, Intrinsic energy conversions for photon-generation in piezo-phototronic materials: A case study on alkaline niobates, Nano Energy, 2018, 47, 150 (应力发光) 20. Dengfeng Peng*, Chunfeng Wang, Ronghua Ma, Shaohui Mao, Sicen Qu, Zhanbing Ren, Sergii Golovynskyi, Caofeng Pan*, Mechanoluminescent materials for athletic analytics in sports science, Science Bulletin, 2020, 66(3), 206.(应力发光) 21. Bingru Huang, Qiusheng Wu, Xingyun Peng, Liqin Yao, Dengfeng Peng*, Zhan Qiuqiang*, One-scan fluorescence emission difference nanoscopy developed with excitation orthogonalized upconversion nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 2018.12.7, 10(45), 21025 22. Wei Wang#, Dengfeng Peng#, Hanlu Zhang, Xiaohong Yang*, Caofeng Pan*, Mechanically induced strong red emission in samarium ions doped piezoelectric semiconductor CaZnOS for dynamic pressure sensing and imaging, Optics Communications, 2017, 395, 24 (应力发光) 23. Bolong Huang*, Dengfeng Peng, Caofeng Pan*, “Energy Relay Center" for doped mechanoluminescence materials: a case study on Cu-doped and Mn-doped CaZnOS, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017, 19, 1190 (应力发光) 24. Hailing Sun, Xiao Wu, Dengfeng Peng, K. W. Kwok*, Room-Temperature Large and Reversible Modulation of Photoluminescence by in Situ Electric Field in Ergodic Relaxor Ferroelectrics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(39), 34042 25. Dong Tu, Dengfeng Peng, Chao-Nan Xu*, Akihito Yoshida, Mechanoluminescence properties of red-emitting piezoelectric semiconductor MZnOS:Mn2+ (M = Ca, Ba) with layered structure, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2016, 124(6), 702 (应力发光) 26. Denfeng Peng, Qiang Ju, Xian Chen, Bin Chen, Ronghua Ma, Xianping Fan, Gongxun Bai, Jianhua Hao, Feng Wang*, Energy Cascade in Nanoparticle: Full Spectrum Emission by Single Wavelength Excitation, Chemistry of materials, 2015, 27, 3115 27. Xian Chen, Denfeng Peng, Qiang Ju, Feng Wang*, Photon upconversion in core–shell nanoparticles, Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44(6), 1318 28. Bing Chen, Dengfeng Peng, Xian Chen, Xusheng Qiao, Xianping Fan, Feng Wang*, Corroborating the Integrity of Core-Shell Nanostructure against Elemental Migration with Luminescent Lanthanide Probes, Angewandte Chemie, 2015, 54 (43), 12788 29. Dengfeng Peng, Bing Chen, Feng Wang*, Recent Advances in Doped Mechanoluminescent Phosphors, Chem Plus Chem, 2015, 80 (8), 1209 (应力发光) 30. Hanlu Zhang#, Dengfeng Peng#, Wei Wang, Lin Dong*, and Caofeng Pan*, Mechanically Induced Light Emission and Infrared-Laser-Induced Upconversion in the Er-Doped CaZnOS Multifunctional Piezoelectric Semiconductor for Optical Pressure and Temperature Sensing, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119 (50), 28136 (应力发光) 地址:深圳大学沧海校区志原楼1115室电话:0755-26901053

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