李贵君 副教授、副研究员
  • guijun@szu.edu.cn



李贵君,博士,副教授,深圳市海外高层次人才。南开大学学士/硕士,香港科技大学博士。必赢76net线路副教授,光电子器件与系统教育部重点实验室副主任,香港科技大学先进显示与国家重点实验室副研究员。曾工作于京东方等知名企业,并创办创智光学(香港)股份有限公司。长期从事新型显示技术和高效光伏技术的应用研究工作, 例如人机交互多功能显示技术、高效钙钛矿太阳能电池等。近年来以第一作者及通讯作者身份在Science Advances、Advanced (Energy/Functional/Optical) Materials、 Advanced Science, Nano Letter等SCI论文80余篇, SCI引用2000余次,h-index 20。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省自然科学基金、深港科技合作项目、深圳海外高层次人才项目等。课题组常年招收(但不限于)显示、光伏与光电子技术等方向的硕士生/博士生/博士后,欢迎联系:guijun@szu.edu.cn


代表性论文:https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=SHzxvKkAAAAJ&hl=en /2020年: [1].Lattice strain modulation towards efficient blue perovskite light-emitting diodes,Baoxing Liu, Junzi Li,Gui Wang,Fanghao Ye,Huibo Yan, Meng Zhang, Shoucheng Dong, Lei Lu, Pu Huang*,Tingchao He*, Ping Xu, Hoi-Sing Kwok, Guijun Li*、Science Advances. 2022, 8,38. [2].Identifying the Optimum Morphology in High‐Performance Perovskite Solar Cells, Guijun Li*, Kwong Lung Ching, Jacob YL Ho, Man Wong, and Hoi‐Sing Kwok、Adv. Energy. Mater. 2015,5,1401775. [3].Overcoming the Limitations of Sputtered Nickel Oxide for High-Efficiency and Large-Area Perovskite Solar Cells、Guijun Li,* Yibin Jiang, Sunbin Deng, Alwin Tam, Ping Xu, Man Wong, and Hoi-Sing Kwok、Adv. Sci. 2017, 4, 1700463. [4].Mitigating deep-level defects through a self-healing process for highly efficient wide-bandgap inorganic CsPbI3-xBrx perovskite photovoltaics 、Jun Liu, Ming Wang, Jinhong Lin, Guojie Chen, Baoxing Liu, Jincheng Huang, Meng Zhang, Guangxing Liang, Lei Lu, Ping Xu, Bingbing Tian, Hoi-Sing Kwok, and Guijun Li*、J. Mater. Chem. A. 2022. [5].Multifunctional Optoelectronic Device Based on an Asymmetric Active Layer Structure、Beitao Ren, Gancheong Yuen, Sunbin Deng, Le Jiang, Dingjian Zhou, Leilei Gu, Ping Xu, Meng Zhang, Zhiyong Fan, Fion Sze Yan Yueng, Rongsheng Chen, Hoi-Sing Kwok, and Guijun Li*、Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1807894. [6].Voltage-Dependent Multicolor Electroluminescent Device Based on Halide Perovskite and Chalcogenide Quantum-Dots Emitters、Jianfeng Zhang, Beitao Ren, Sunbin Deng, Jincheng Huang, Le Jiang, Dingjian Zhou, Xulin Zhang, Meng Zhang, Rongsheng Chen, Fion Yeung, Hoi-Sing Kwok, Ping Xu, and Guijun Li*、Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1907074. [7].Fully Chiral Light Emission from CsPbX3 Perovskite Nanocrystals Enabled by Cholesteric Superstructure Stacks、Chun-Ta Wang, Keqiang Chen, Ping Xu, Fion Yeung, Hoi-Sing Kwok, and Guijun Li*、Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1903155. [8].Strong Linearly Polarized Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence from Halide Perovskite/Azobenzene Dye Composite Film for Display Applications、Jianfeng Zhang, Cuiling Meng, Jincheng Huang, Le Jiang, Dingjian Zhou, Rongsheng Chen, Fion Yeung, Hoi-Sing Kwok, Ping Xu, and Guijun Li*、Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 8, 1901824. [9].A High-Performance Photodetector Based on 1D Perovskite Radial Heterostructure、Jianfeng Zhang, Wei Zhong, Yuan Liu, Jincheng Huang, Sunbin Deng, Meng Zhang, Hoi-Sing Kwok, and Guijun Li*, Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101504. [10].High-efficiency sky-blue perovskite light-emitting diodes via the trade-off between electron-phonon coupling loss and defects passivation、Zhongming Luo, Baoxing Liu, Ting Zheng, Xi Luo, Lei Lu, Bingbing Tian, Ping Xu, Hoi Sing Kwok, and Guijun Li*、ACS Photonics.2022, 9, 7, 2422–2430. [11].Visual electrocardiogram synchronization monitor using perovskite-based multicolor light-emitting diodes、Xi Luo, Ting Zheng, Zhongming Luo, Jun Liu, Sunbin Deng, Rongshen Chen, Meng Zhang, Hoi Sing Kwok, Jianfeng Zhang, and Guijun Li*、ACS Photonics. 2021, 8(11), 3337-3345. [12].Nanopyramid structure for ultrathin c-Si tandem solar cells、Guijun Li, He Li, Jacob YL Ho, Man Wong, and Hoi Sing Kwok、Nano Letters. 2014, 14, 5, 2563-2568.

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