蔡懿 副教授、副研究员
  • caiyi@szu.edu.cn



深圳市高层次人才,中国光学学会光学测试委员会委员,长期从事摄影频率逾万亿幅每秒超快实时多幅成像技术、超快光场时空调控技术、超短激光脉冲时域/频域测量技术、太赫兹时域光谱/成像技术的研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、其他省市级项目3项,在Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express,Adv. Photon.,High Power Laser Sci. & Eng.,Opt. Lasers. Eng.,Photon. Research,IEEE Photon. J.,Phys. Plasmas等国际著名刊物发表文章逾40篇。


【主持项目情况】 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目1项 2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目1项 3. 广东省自然科学基金1项 4. 深圳市科创委基础研究项目2项 5. 博士后科学基金面上资助(一等)1项 【代表论文】 1. X. Zeng, C. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Lin, Z. Chen, X. Lu, M. Zheng, J. Liang, Y. Cai*, S. Xu*, and J. Li, "Tunable Mid-Infrared Detail-Enhanced Imaging With Micron-Level Spatial Resolution and Photon-Number Resolving Sensitivity," Laser & Photonics Reviews 3, 1 (2023). 2. X. Zeng, X. Lu, C. Wang, K. Wu, Y. Cai*, H. Zhong, Q. Lin, J. Lin, R. Ye, and S. Xu*, "Review and Prospect of Single-Shot Ultrafast Optical Imaging by Active Detection," Ultrafast Science 3 (2023). 3. Z. Chen, S. Zheng, X. Lu, X. Wang, Y. Cai*, C. Wang, M. Zheng, Y. Ai, Y. Leng, S. Xu*, and D. Fan, "Forty-five terawatt vortex ultrashort laser pulses from a chirped-pulse amplification system," High Power Laser Sci 10, e32 (2022). ISSN 2095-4719 4. 郑麦杰,陈振宽,王聪颖,曾选科,文侨,蔡懿*,徐世祥*,李景镇,非线性超快成像技术的时间分辨率探究,深圳大学学报理工版,Vol. 39 No.4,383-389(2022);M. Zheng, 5. Q. Song, X. Yuan, S. Hu, J. Huang, H. Zhong, Q. Lin, H. Wang, X. Lu, M. Zheng, Y. Cai*, X. Zeng, and S. Xu, "Enhance terahertz radiation and its polarization- control with two paralleled filaments pumped by two-color femtosecond laser fields," Optics Express 29, 22659-22666 (2021). 6. Cai Y, Chen Z K, Zeng X K, et al. The Development of the Temporal Measurements for Ultrashort Laser Pulses[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(21): 7401. 7. Yi Cai, Zhenkuan Chen, Shuiqin Zheng, Huangcheng Shangguan, Xuanke Zeng, Xiaowei Lu, Hongyu Wang, Shixiang Xu, A compact, highly stable spectral shearing interferometer to accurately reconstruct ultrafast laser fields, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 130, 106081 (2020). 8. Y. Cai, Z. K. Chen, S. Q. Zheng, Q. G. Lin, X. K. Zeng, Y. Li, J. Z. Li, and S. X. Xu, "Accurate reconstruction of electric field of ultrashort laser pulse with complete two-step phase-shifting," High Power Laser Science and Engineering 7, e13, 1-7 (2019). 9. X. Pan, Y. Cai*, X. Zeng, S. Zheng, J. Li, and S. Xu, "A terahertz EO detector with large dynamical range, high modulation depth and signal-noise ratio," Opt Commun 391, 135-140 (2017). 10. X. Zeng, Y. Cai*, W. Chen, J. Li, S. Zheng, T. Zhu, and S. Xu, "High Resolved Non-Collinear Idler Imaging via Type-II Angular Noncritical Phase-Matching," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28, 2685-2688 (2016). 11. Shuiqin Zheng, Wenting Chen, Yi Cai*, Xiaowei Lu, Guoliang Zheng, Jingzhen Li and Shixiang Xu, Intra-cavity spectral shaping based on optical rotatory dispersion in a broadband Ti : S regenerative amplifier, Laser Phys. Lett. 12, 085301 (2015) 12. Yi Cai, Shixiang Xu, Xuanke Zeng, Da Zou and Jingzhen Li, "High-efficiency intracavity second-harmonic enhancement for a few-cycle laser pulse train," Journal of Optics 14, 105202 (2012) 13. Yi Cai, Jingzhen Li, Xiaowei Lu, Xuanke Zeng, Hongyi Chen, and Shixiang Xu, "1 kHz, 1.6 μm high energy femtosecond pulses with self-stabilized carrier-envelope phases," Laser Physics Letters 10, 125402 (2013)

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