代表性项目: 1. 国家自然科学青年基金,“新型平面交流有机发光二极管的研究”,27万元,2019-2021,主持,结题; 2. 深圳市项目,“用于有机磷神经毒剂快速气相检测的柔性晶体管构筑及机理研究”,50万元,2019-2021,主持,结题; 3. 深圳市项目,“面向生物医学应用的自供电柔性钙钛矿应变传感器”,60万元,2017-2019,主持,结题。 4. 深圳市项目, “面向智能触觉传感的高性能导电弹性材料研究”, 15万元, 2022-2024,主持,在研。 近五年代表性学术论文(作为第一作者/通讯作者): 1. G. Abbas, M. Hassan, Q. Khan, H. Wang, G. Zhou, M. Zubair, X. Xu*, and Z. Peng*, A Low Power-consumption and Transient Nonvolatile Memory Based on Highly Dense All-Inorganic Perovskite Films, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2022, 2101412. (封面文章Front cover) 2. C. He, X. Xu*, Y. Lin, Y. Cui and Z. Peng*, A Bilayer Skin-Inspired Hydrogel with Strong Bonding Interface, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 7, 1137. 3. Y. Lin, X. Xu, H. Wang, and Z. Peng, Electric-Field Induced and Highly Deformable Triboelectric Generators from Ionic Gels, IEEE 2022 ICET, pp 376-380, 2022. 4. C. Huang, Y. Chen, X. Xu, and Z. Peng, Electrospun Titanium Dioxide Nanofibers Reinforced Anti-freezing, Adhesive and Conductive Hydrogels, IEEE 2022 ICET, pp 38-42, 2022. 5. M. Hassan, G. Abbas, N. Li, A. Afzal, Z. Haider, S. Ahmed, X. Xu*, C. Pan, and Z. Peng*, Significance of Flexible Substrates for Wearable and Implantable Devices: Recent Advances and Perspectives, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021, 2100773. 6. X. Xu, C. He, F. Luo, H. Wang and Z. Peng*, Robust Conductive Hydrogels with Ultrafast Self-Recovery and Nearly Zero Response Hysteresis for Epidermal Sensors, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 7, 1854. 7. X. Xu, D. Hu, L. Yan, S. Fang, C. Shen, Y. Loo, Y. Lin, C. S. Haines, N. Li, A. A. Zakhidov, H. Meng*, R. H. Baughman*, and W. Huang*, Polar-Electrode-Bridged Electroluminescent Displays: 2D Sensors Remotely Communicating Optically, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1703552. (Highlight 文章) 8. X. Xu*, M. Yin, N. Li, W. Wang, B. Sun, M. Liu, D. Zhang, Z. Li and C. Wang, Vanadium-doped tin oxide porous nanofibers: Enhanced responsivity for hydrogen detection. Talanta, 2017, 167, 638-644.