XX图像测量技术研究, 2021.12-2022.11,军委科技委前沿创新项目
飞行中机翼全场三维变形摄像测量及其结构力学特性研究, 2022.01-2025.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目
某型无人机变形视觉测量技术研究与试验, 2021.06至今,中国科学院工程热物理研究所
整机冲击试验全场变形非接触测量, 2023.06至今,中国飞机强度研究所
基于多孔径成像的飞行器高精度定位定向样机研制与缩比, 2022.12至今, 国防科技大学.
烧蚀材料烧蚀态热力耦合力学行为实验表征方法及应用, 2021.01-2024.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目.
大型桥隧灾变快速检测视觉技术及装备, 2020.01-2023.12,科技部重点研发计划课题.
基于摄像测量的风电叶片机械故障在线检测方法和仪器研制,2018.01-2022.12, 国家重大科研仪器研制项目.
极端高温环境下材料动态力学行为实验表征方法及应用, 2018.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目.
外部动载对燃料组件结构完整性影响的计算方法及分析, 2019.07-2020.06,中国核动力设计研究院.
推力矢量发动机整体安装方案优化分析, 2018.07-2019.06,航空工业成都飞机设计研究所.
重型运载铰链式分瓣螺母分离装置仿真分析, 2018.06-2019.05,中国航天科技集团第一研究院.
无人机变形视觉测量技术研究, 2018.05-2019.04,中国航天空气动力技术研究院.
飞行器风洞环境下低信噪比图像的高精度变形分析算法, 2017.12-2019.12,航天科技预研联合基金项目.
复合材料高温冲击三维全场动态变形检测方法研究, 2017.01- 2019.12, 国家自然科学基金青年项目.
进气道消音器振动仿真分析,2016.01 -2017.12,西安飞豹科技发展公司.
MA700飞机非包容性转子爆破风险分析, 2015.07-2018.12,中航西安飞机工业集团股份有限公司.
[1] Yan Liu, Zhendong Ge, Yingtao Yuan, Xin Su, Xiang Guo*, Tao Suo, Qifeng Yu. Wing deformation measurement using the stereo-vision methods in the presence of camera movements. Aerospace Science and Technology,2021,119(2021),107161. (中科院1区, Top)
[2] Yan Liu, Yingtao Yuan, Xiang Guo, Tao Suo*, Yulong Li, Qifeng Yu. Numerical investigation of the error caused by the aero-optical environment around an in-flight wing in optically measuring the wing deformation. Aerospace Science and Technology,2020, 98(2020):105663. (中科院1区, Top)
[3] Yan Liu, Yingtao Yuan, Xiang Guo, Tao Suo*, Yulong Li, Qifeng Yu. Influence of non-uniform airflow on optical deformation measurement in subsonic condition. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2019,122(2019),254-264. (中科院2区)
[4] Yan Liu, Xin Su, Xiang Guo*, Tao Suo, Yulong Li, Qifeng Yu. A novel concentric circular coded target, and its positioning and identifying method for vision measurement under challenging conditions. Sensors, 2021, 21(3):855. (中科院2区)
[5] Yan Liu, Zhendong Ge, Yingtao Yuan, Xin Su, Xiang Guo*, Tao Suo, Qifeng Yu. Study of the error caused by camera movement for the stereo-vision system. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(20):9384. (中科院3区)
[6] 刘燕, 袁莹涛, 郭翔, 索涛*, 李玉龙, 于起峰. 大气折射对电视制导导弹定位精度的影响分析. 航空学报, 39(12):322248, 2018. (中国科技期刊卓越行动计划梯队期刊,EI)
[7] Yan Liu, Xin Su, Xiang Guo, Tao Suo*, Yulong Li, Qifeng Yu. A novel method on suitable size selection of artificial circular targets in optical non-contact measurement. SPIE, AP107-64. (EI)
[8] Zhenqiang Zhao, Peng Liu, Yan Liu, Chao Zhang, Yulong Li*. Highly efficient computation method for hazard quantification of uncontained rotor failure. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020, 33(7):1980-1990. (中科院1区,Top)
[9] Xiang Guo, Yingtao Yuan, Tao Suo*, Xin Su, Yan Liu, Zhendong Ge. A novel deformation measurement method for ablation materials in combustion and ablation process. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2020,134(2020):106255. (中科院2区)
[10] Xiang Guo, Yingtao Yuan, Yan Liu. Crack Propagation Detection Method in the Structural Fatigue Process. Experimental Techniques, 2021, 45(2), 169–178. (中科院4区)
[11] Xiang Guo, Yingtao Yuan, Tao Suo*, Xin Su, Yan Liu, Zhendong Ge. A novel temperature-strain synchronous measurement method. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2021,147(2021):106723. (中科院2区)
[12] Xiang Guo, Xin Su, Yingtao Yuan, Tao Suo, Zhendong Ge, Yan Liu. A Novel Method for the Complex Tube System Reconstruction and Measurement. Sensors, 2021, 21(6), 2207. (中科院2区)
[13] Yingtao Yuan, Zhendong Ge, Xin Su, Xiang Guo, Tao Suo, Yan Liu, Qifeng Yu. Crack Length Measurement Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Image Processing. Sensors, 2021, 21(17), 5894. (中科院2区)
航空发动机非包容性转子爆破风险计算方法及其系统. 2018, ZL201811530072.1. 2022, CN111324928B.